Children (0-6 years)


EarlyON Child and Family Centre – Kanata / West Carleton / Stittsville

The WOCRC’s EarlyON Child and Family Centre provides a variety of free programs and services for parents and caregivers of children from birth to 6 years.

EarlyON CFC services are facilitated by experienced Family Resource Workers who can answer questions and provide information and access to referral services. Programs include:

• Drop-in playgroups where parents, caregivers and their children can play and learn together in a stimulating and safe environment
• Specialized programs that target community identified needs
• Workshops on a variety of parenting and child development topics
• A Resource Library with puzzles, games, books, DVDs and resource kits available for lending
• Opportunities for parents and caregivers to connect with other people in our community
• Information available on-site, by phone or e-mail to answer your questions or refer you to appropriate resources

For general information about EarlyON Child and Family Centres, visit the Government of Ontario website.

To contact us:

2 MacNeil Court, Kanata
EarlyON CFC Information Line: 613-591-3686 ext. 5

Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Programs & Services

Parent Resources

If you need help navigating your parenting or caregiver journey, reach out and book an appointment with our Family Navigator For additional parenting resources explore some of these external organizations For more information on breastfeeding and the schedule for the breastfeeding drop-ins, please visit Ottawa Breastfeeds. Visit First Words to see if your child is meeting their…

EarlyON Child and Family Centre Programs and Workshops

EarlyOn Child and Family Centres provides a variety of free family drop-ins to Ontario residents where families can play and learn together in a child friendly space. These regular meetings are geared towards parents, caregivers and their children birth to 6 years.