Children (0-6 years)
EarlyON Child and Family Centre – Kanata / West Carleton / Stittsville
The WOCRC’s EarlyON Child and Family Centre provides a variety of free programs and services for parents and caregivers of children from birth to 6 years.
EarlyON CFC services are facilitated by experienced Family Resource Workers who can answer questions and provide information and access to referral services. Programs include:
• Drop-in playgroups where parents, caregivers and their children can play and learn together in a stimulating and safe environment
• Specialized programs that target community identified needs
• Workshops on a variety of parenting and child development topics
• A Resource Library with puzzles, games, books, DVDs and resource kits available for lending
• Opportunities for parents and caregivers to connect with other people in our community
• Information available on-site, by phone or e-mail to answer your questions or refer you to appropriate resources
For general information about EarlyON Child and Family Centres, visit the Government of Ontario website.
To contact us:
2 MacNeil Court, Kanata
EarlyON CFC Information Line: 613-591-3686 ext. 5
Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.