Guiding Beliefs
The WOCRC has four core deeply held beliefs, which guide our approach to serving our community and are demonstrated through our day-to-day interactions with clients, partners, volunteers, members and staff.
The beliefs are: empowerment, equity, partnership and innovation.
We believe that people have the right to make their own choices, and take control, individually and collectively, of their lives.
Therefore, we are committed to providing information and resources which will enable people to make informed decisions. We are dedicated to creating an environment where people participate in activities that promote social change.
We believe that dignity, respect and justice are rights of all people regardless of age, language, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, ability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, income, geographical location or sexual orientation.
We acknowledge that there are systemic, social and cultural barriers that prevent people from having equal access to resources and opportunities.
Therefore, we are committed to recognizing and addressing barriers such as violence, poverty, isolation, exclusion, oppression and discrimination, so as to enable people to reach their full potential.
We believe that by working together we can achieve more than we can on our own.
Therefore, we are committed to creating partnerships with individuals and groups that build on equality, respect, integrity, accountability and responsibility. We will engage with others in a supportive, non-judgmental environment where everyone can share knowledge, experience, strengths and skills.
We believe that we will transform our vision into reality by developing innovative solutions to the complex and diverse issues facing our community.
Therefore, we are committed to creating a learning culture that is flexible, dynamic, embraces change, and encourages evolutionary thinking. We are dedicated to sharing our learning, knowledge and best practices for the benefit of the people with whom we interact.
In addition to these four Guiding Beliefs, the WOCRC also stands by its commitment to Client Rights.