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We Need Your Input! Help Shape Our Future: Participate in Our Strategic Planning Survey

Dear Community Members,

We hope this message finds you well. As part of our commitment to continuously improve our services and better meet the needs of our community, we are embarking on a comprehensive strategic planning process. Recently, we held a strategic planning session that brought together diverse voices and perspectives from within our organization. The insights and feedback gathered were incredibly valuable.

To further ensure that our strategic plan reflects the needs and aspirations of the community we serve, we are inviting you to participate in a survey. Your feedback is crucial in helping us understand how we can better serve you and address the challenges we face together.

We kindly ask you to take a few minutes to complete the survey tinyurl.com/WOCRC2024Survey by Friday, May 31, 2024.

Your responses will remain confidential and will significantly contribute to shaping the future of our organization and services.

Please reach out to our facilitator Manal at manal@sayidconsulting.com if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your time and for being an essential part of our community.

Best regards,

The WOCRC Team

Strategic Planning Survey - English