Programs and Services
The WOCRC offers a vast array of programs and services to benefit individuals of all ages in far west Ottawa.
Our diverse programs and services play a vital role in our community by promoting healthy lifestyle strategies and problem solving skills for individuals and families.
Please select a category from the menu to learn more about the programs and services we offer to specific population groups. Our Welcome Package summarizes our programs and services and provides client rights and privacy information.
Some of our programs are funded through a Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement (MSAA) with Ontario Health (East). The MSAA and our Declarations of Compliance are publically available on our website and may be found here.
Violence Against Women
Child Witness Program
Gender-Based Violence
The Child Witness Program provides individual and group counselling to children 18 years of age or younger, who have witnessed abuse; and women, aged 16 years or older whose children have witnessed woman abuse. This group helps children learn ways of coping through discussion, videos, crafts and activities. A group for mothers (offered at the same time as the children’s group), provides education, support and a link to what their children are learning as part of the program. Services are delivered in person or over the phone.
Transitional and Housing Support Programs
Gender-Based Violence
The Transitional and Housing Support Program and VAW/Housing Liaison Program provide services to women aged 16 years or older who identify themselves as having been sexually, physically or emotionally abused by their partners or significant others (could be a caregiver or another immediate family/household member). This program is offered to women who have made the decision to leave their abusive relationship. The goal of the programs is to provide flexible and practical supports to assist women to transition into their new communities. Services are delivered in person or over the phone.
Chrysalis House
Gender-Based Violence
Chrysalis House is a safe and secure 25-bed shelter in Western Ottawa. It is a place where a woman can go to protect herself and her dependants from violence and abuse. In this supportive environment, a woman can focus on her personal needs and choices, as well as on her dependants' needs.
GBV Counselling Program
Gender-Based Violence
The VAW Counselling Program provides individual and group counselling to women aged 16 years or older who identify themselves as having been sexually, physically or emotionally abused by their partners or significant others (could be caregiver or other immediate family/household member). Services are delivered in person or over the phone.
Children (0-6 years)
Parent Resources
Children (0-6 years)
If you need help navigating your parenting or caregiver journey, reach out and book an appointment with our Family Navigator For additional parenting resources explore some of these external organizations For more information on breastfeeding and the schedule for the breastfeeding drop-ins, please visit Ottawa Breastfeeds. Visit First Words to see if your child is meeting their…
EarlyON Child and Family Centre Programs and Workshops
Children (0-6 years)
EarlyOn Child and Family Centres provides a variety of free family drop-ins to Ontario residents where families can play and learn together in a child friendly space. These regular meetings are geared towards parents, caregivers and their children birth to 6 years.
Children (6-12 years)
Community Workshops
Children (7-12 years)
Our Child and Youth staff team will work with other organizations, community groups and individual community members, including parents and youth, to provide services and education on issues that affect today’s young people. We can help organize or participate in community and school-based events such as social service fairs, workshops, parent information nights, group programs, teacher…
Youth (12-18 years)
Youth Issues & Resources
Youth (12-17 years)
The Library section at features a vast array of informative and useful fact sheets about issues affecting today’s youth. Topics featured on this extensive site include: Alcohol and Substance Use Anxiety Attention Deficit Disorder Autistic Disorder Bullying Depression Eating Disorders GLBTTQ Issues Medication Information Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Self-Harm Behaviours Stress Suicide Another useful local resource is the…
Youth Engagement
Youth (12-17 years)
Do you have a great idea for a project but need some help bringing it to life? Are you looking to get in touch with other youth leading change in your city? Are you looking for money to start a community project? Our youth workers and counsellors might be able to help! For more information,…
Queerios LGBTQ+
Youth (12-17 years)
Queerios is a drop-in program for youth 12-17 who identify as LGBTQ+. Like The Zone, it has a focus on social activities, positive mental health, skill-building, and connecting youth to resources in their community.
The ZONE Youth Drop-In
Youth (12-17 years)
The ZONE is a unique space just for youth aged 12-17 to meet new people and try new activities. Youth and their families can get connected to community resources and services. Facilitated programs on Mondays from 5-9 p.m.
Seniors and Adults with a Physical Disability
West Carleton Community Support Services
Seniors and Adults with a Physical Disability
SERVICE UPDATE – MARCH 2022 Community Support Services provide our community members with grocery and pharmacy delivery services. In addition, we are able to deliver a wide selection of nutritious frozen meals. We will also provide ongoing virtual programming to assist our senior community members to connect with one another and reduce feelings of social…
Caregiver Support
Seniors and Adults with a Physical Disability
We offer general caregiver support groups and support groups specifically for caregivers of individuals experiencing dementia-related disorders. At this time, virtual weekly caregiver support programs are running on ZOOM. The current virtual support group is every Wednesday from 10:00am – 11:00am. If you are an interested community member, please email: Heidi at: or Erin…
Adult Day Program
Seniors and Adults with a Physical Disability
The Adult Day Program offers respite care for caregivers by providing tailored activities and socialization opportunities for adults experiencing dementia-related disorders. NOTE: Clients are referred through the Home and Community Care-LHIN and must have a confirmed diagnosis of dementia. The WOCRC’s program and service coordinator can navigate the client/caregiver through the Home and Community Care-LHIN…
Foot Care
Seniors and Adults with a Physical Disability
Foot Care Clinics PRICE: $27.00 WHERE: 2 MacNeil Court / 3865 Old Richmond Road, Bells Corners To schedule a Foot Care appointment, please call 613-591-3686, option 3. Please bring your own clean towel to your appointment. If you live outside of Kanata, Nepean and West Carleton, please use Caredove to find the nearest provider…
Meals on Wheels
Seniors and Adults with a Physical Disability
Please call 613-591-3686, option 3 to become a client. Ask to have an intake booked with a Service Co-ordinator. Existing clients can call at any time to speak with a team member about your Meals on Wheels. Hot Meals Consists of a hot entrée, soup & dessert (daily chef specials). $8.50/meal. Delivered on Mondays, Tuesdays…
Service Arrangement
Seniors and Adults with a Physical Disability
Our program and service coordinators will provide a referral to several community agencies/businesses that may be able to help with homemaking/house cleaning, personal care/respite care and home maintenance tasks. WOCRC’s Community Support Services team is proud to partner with Champlain Community Support Network! With this tool, you can get access to services that support your health…
Diners Clubs
Seniors and Adults with a Physical Disability
WOCRC, along with community volunteers, host a hot catered meal and social and educational gatherings for clients who are feeling isolated. Transportation can be provided if necessary for a fee of $10 (up to 30 km). Please register at least seven days in advance. For further information, registration and cancellation please contact: Heidi Wieler at 613-591-3686…
Seniors and Adults with a Physical Disability
This service is for individuals who can transfer safely and independently into a vehicle. Clients can schedule rides in advance. Where required, our drivers will provide support for those needing assistance with stairs or elevators, at their destination. Clients having a medical procedure requiring sedation will be required to bring a companion with them. To schedule a ride,…
Friendly Visiting and Telephone Assurance
Seniors and Adults with a Physical Disability
Volunteers are matched with individuals who are feeling isolated to provide regular social contact as well as the reassurance that help is available if needed. This free service may be provided by a personal face to face visit, by telephone or other means for clients who need regular social contact on a one-on-one basis. If you live outside…
Snow Go Assist
Seniors and Adults with a Physical Disability
Snow Go Assist is a subsidy program for low-income seniors and individuals with a disability who require financial assistance with their snow removal costs. Approved clients may be reimbursed for up to 50% of the cost of snow and ice clearing, up to a seasonal maximum. Applicants must complete an application form and provide proof…