WOCRC welcomes new Executive Director in new year
WOCRC’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Melody Paruboczy as Executive Director of WOCRC effective Jan. 3, 2017.
Melody joins us from Canadian Mothercraft of Ottawa-Carleton and brings with her 20 years of management experience at senior levels within the non-profit sector. We wish her success in this new role and are excited about the future that lies ahead.
With Melody’s arrival comes the end of a chapter: the departure of WOCRC’s second Executive Director, Cathy Jordan. Her strong leadership, dedication and commitment helped the organization grow to provide the community and social services it offers today.
Thank you, Cathy, for your hard work over the years and welcome, Melody, to the WOCRC.
Read the complete announcement by Board Chair Robert Bourgeois here.